Expat Mobile

Flexible contracts, starting at 3 months.
No Dutch bank account required.
Your SIM delivered directly to Amsterdam UvA

Expat Mobile has a special offer for prospects and Students of the University of Amsterdam.


When you signup we can send the simcard directly to the VSPA Office at the Roeterseilandcampus, building G, kamer -1.25, Amsterdam, so you can pick it up anytime you want.


When filling in your subscription please take care when get to the box for selecting the Referral.
Select either:
VSPA -> send my SIM to above address – if you want to receive the SIMcard at your personal address
VSPA -> send my SIM to the University – if you want us to send the SIMcard to the VSPA Office



The VSPA is a study association of Psychology at the UvA. We provide psychology students with social and study-related extracurricular activities.”